
JS Creative Concepts & Marketing is a dedicated group of marketing and media professionals located in sunny Florida. Our clients come in a wide range from established businesses to start-up companies and individuals from around the globe. They have relied on our marketing strategy, expertise, relationships and guidance with marketing execution to ensure the success of their company or product.

We’re dedicated to building marketing strategies that will get you results and that find your brand a meaningful, memorable place to live, whether it be digital, traditional or unconventional platforms.

Jamie Santillo, B.A., M.A.M.

Our Founder & CEO, Jamie Santillo, started her career in marketing in 2004 with the belief that by building strong relationships with her clients, and always thinking outside of the box, that she could make a significant, impactful difference for those that entrusted her with their dreams of a successful business, product or service. Jamie’s knowledge and experience have made her one of the most respected and referenced marketers in the industry. Her passion for innovation and growth using a diverse arsenal of marketing tactics has led her company, JS Creative Concepts & Marketing, to help countless clients reach their business goals.

“At JS Creative Concepts & Marketing you are not just our client. We deeply care about your goals, expectations and success. Whether we help you with a single project, or you hire our services on a long-term basis, you become part of our family. After all, your success is our success.” – Jamie Santillo